When you find yourself in trouble in Stillwater, MN, and in need of a reputable bail bonds company, call Absolute Bail Bonds. At Absolute Bail Bonds, we are on call 24/7 and always ready to help out. Additionally, we are professional and discreet. You can trust our trained agents to make a difference in your situation with their knowledge and experience.
Bail Bonds Process
Bail is set by the court to ensure the defendant in question appears at future court dates. The bail serves as an insurance that increases the likelihood the defendant will show up. The bail will stay active until the defendant is either dismissed or formally sentenced.
If you’ve been arrested and can’t pay bail in Stillwater, MN, call Absolute Bail Bonds. We can help you secure your bond for release. Our bond agents act on your behalf to pledge the money you need for immediate release.
We understand this is a trying and difficult time. Our team responds courteously and professionally to each call we receive. Call us at any hour of the day or night — we’re here to help you when you need it. You can reach our Stillwater, MN, office at 651-430-2700.